Cat Breeds


Perisan cats originate from Persia (which is now known as Iran). They became popular in the late 19th century and were incredibly desired pets due to their striking beauty and elegance.

persian cat standing on grass


Persian cats are docile, gentle, affectionate, quiet, but are very wary of strangers. They are lovable lap cats that prefer a more quiet household.


Persian's typically weigh around 4-8kg. They grow to about 20-25 cm in height and 37-44 in length.


Persian cats have an average lifespan of 12 – 17 years. They are prone to numerous health problems, primarily due to their facial structure. Persian's may suffer from breathing difficulty or noisy breathing, dental malocclusions, excessive tearing, cherry eye, entropian, heat sensitivity, polycystic kidney disease, predisposition to ringworm, and seborrhea oleosa. Persian cats have a fairly difficult coat to maintain. They require daily brushing and combing, and should be given a bath once a month.